Friday, May 16, 2008


Seems City of Murrieta is trying to finish the bridge fast on Linnel Lane and I

Monday, May 5, 2008

Reminder New Cell Phone Law

July 1st New Cell Phone Law goes into effect
California Laws dictate you may not use your phone only with a hands free device (wired or bluetooth)
Teens 18 and under may not NOT use their cell phone at all (IT INCLUDES TEXTING)
Laws do say that you may use your phone for an emergency (calling 911 or law enforcement)
For more info check it out on the DMV website

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Antelope Square

New Retail Coming to the Corner Antelope and Scott Road with some traffic delays. If you've have noticed there a lot of construction off Heritage Marketplace. If you're wondering whats coming in of course another gas station but now here is an official list....
According to Lee and Associates Website Walgreens, Jack in the Box, AmPm/Arco, Fantastic Sams and Sub Marina are going to be opening soon. I still haven't foung when the shopping center will open but it will bring some more competition to the area and choices that used to be far.

North Murrieta

This Blog is being created to help out the community that sits in Northern Murrieta. Mapleton, Springbrook and Meadowlark and their others that don't know whats going on out here . The city of Murrieta is doing a lot so I am here to help.